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We are Totaly Sense-Sational!

To better serve our clients and to meet the needs of our parents hectic schedules, Totaly Sense-Sational is open 7 days a week (Sunday through Saturday) with a variety of scheduling options.

Prompt and regular attendance is key to a successful outcome for your child's therapy and together we make every effort to provide your child with consistent, quality therapy. Adhering to our cancellation policy will help safeguard your child's success.

Phone: 610-941-6101
Address: 5 Sentry Parkway East, Ste. 110 Blue Bell, PA 19422

Tomatis® Method and Other Auditory Methods

Tomatis Method aims to improve the functioning of the ear, especially as it is involved in listening, understanding and communication.

Learn more about our sound stimulation methods.

About the Tomatis Method

Improve the Functioning of the Ear as a Whole

The Tomatis Method is a system of sound stimulation through the use of Mozart and Gregorian Chant, as well as audio-vocal training. It was developed by Dr. Alfred Tomatis, a French ear, nose and throat specialist, with the primary goal to improve auditory processing, listening, understanding and communication.

Development and Enhancement

Tomatis involves “re-education” of the way we listen. These postulates facilitate developing and enhancing the above skills such as:

  • Listening-Attending: taking in information
  • Learning-Reading: spelling language based information
  • Language abilities (receptive and expressive)
  • Organizational abilities based on motor planning
  • Communication skills (2-way)
  • Social behavior

Dr. Tomatis theorized that many of the behavioral and communicative characteristics observed in children with developmental and learning difficulties and those on the autism spectrum are not actually the root causes of the disorder, but are only symptoms based on underlying biologically based regulatory disorders.

The inner ear (the vestibular-cochlear system) is one of the earliest sensory symptoms to develop in utero and completes its development well before most other sensory organs. Because of its primary position in the developmental process, it develops and maintains connections with the rest of the emerging nervous system.

Sound stimulation offers an opportunity to influence many areas of function, including gross motor, fine motor, visual processing, auditory process, attention, and speech and language.

Treatment Applications

Treating a Variety of Focus Areas

The use of Tomatis can be employed in the treatment of physical, attention, learning and communication disorders including:

  • Attention
  • Voice and Language
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Motor Skills and Coordination
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Sensory Processing Disorders
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Organizational Disorders
  • Developmental Disorders
  • Attachment Disorders
  • Communication Disorders including Selective Mutism
  • Mood Disorders, Anxiety, Depression

When it Can be Used

Is Tomatis Right For Me

The Tomatis program can begin in infancy (with the Tomatis® Bone Conduction Kit) and well into adulthood. The child / adult listens on specially designed headphones (with bone and air conduction) to the music of Mozart and Gregorian Chant; eventually the mother’s voice may be used to help facilitate increased engagement and language.

But that’s not all! Studies have shown that The Tomatis Method also facilitates improved:

  • Regulatory behaviors/homeostasis i.e. eating, sleep-wake cycles, bowel-bladder cycles, and emotional regulation
  • Postural functions, including increased muscle tone, balance, fine motor skills, etc.
  • Organizational Abilities
  • Attention and Focusing
  • Communication and Social Skills
  • Vestibular Processing

Other Auditory Methods

Tomatis® Infinite

The Tomatis® Infinite are your own personal headphones (purchased separately) to introduce, enhance and ensure the most advantageous application of the Tomatis Method.

The Tomatis Infinite includes a 7-day preparatory program with 30-minute sessions to gradually prepare the ears for the Tomatis Method. The Tomatis Infinite also includes two consolidation programs (relaxation or energization) to focus on prolonging and strengthening the stimulation after your individualized Tomatis training. Each program is 15 days in length for 30 minutes a day.


The SOUNDSORY® program consists of specially designed music (“Big Band”, marching and circus music) processed with “neuro-acoustic” modifications. A series of movement-based exercises are also included to enhance the effects of the program.

SOUNDSORY® is designed to help people with:

  • Motor, Balance and Coordination deficits
  • Autism spectrum and Developmental delays
  • Sensory and Auditory processing disorders
  • ADHD

Typically, the program is 30 minutes a day for 40 days.

The FORBRAIN® Program

Forbrain is a bone-conduction headset equipped with a microphone and a dynamic filter which amplifies “linguistic frequencies”. It is a individual tool, for users to address the audio-vocal loop at home or during OT treatment sessions without the use of the Tomatis Method or other sound stimulation.

Forbrain is another modality to help improve speech pronunciation and fluency, reading comprehension, active working memory, concentration and/or attention, energy levels. When applied as a standalone program, Forbrain® is used 20 minutes a day for 50 days.

Interactive Metronome®

Interactive Metronome (IM) is an evidence-based training and assessment tool. IM is a computer-based program, which improves timing in the brain or temporal processing and has been proven to improve cognition, attention, focus, memory, speech/language, executive functioning, comprehension, as well as motor and sensory skills.

Children with ADHD, Auditory Processing Disorder, Autism, Dyslexia, Brain Injury and Reading Challenges often have rhythm and timing deficits and benefit immensely from this program.

Interactive Metronome is typically completed as an intensive program 3-5 times per week for at least 15 sessions; with each session lasting between 15-60 minutes. Dynamic video-feedback games help keep our clients interested, all while having fun while they improve!

Auditory Integration Training (AIT)

Berard AIT is a method of auditory training that was developed by Dr. Guy Berard, a French ENT, who originally trained with Dr. Tomatis. Participants use headphones to comfortably listen to unique auditory stimulation in conjunction with the music of jazz, reggae and light rock for two half-hours a day for 10 days (each listening is separated by at least 3 hours).

Results have been found to help to reorganize the brain to improve and enhance auditory processing and sensory stimulation so the brain no longer becomes overloaded with disorganized information.

Children with significant auditory sensitivity, as well as sensory hypersensitivity, such as tactile defensiveness, hypersensitivity to movement, and language deficits, have been found to demonstrate significant improvements after going through the AIT method.

Therapeutic Listening®

Therapeutic Listening is a sound therapy program, from the company Vital Links, designed for those with sensory processing disorder, autism and ADHD. Therapeutic Listening was inspired by creations of the Tomatis Method, Auditory Integration Training – AIT (Berard), Samonas (Steinbach) and Dr. Jean Ayres (Sensory Integration).

It uses headphones and a mobile application “featuring over 45 album selections and 5 different types of music, ranging from nursery songs to classical music”. Therapeutic Listening capitalizes on the organized rhythmical sound patterns inherent to music. The music is filtered to highlight the range of frequencies which trigger attention and activate body movement.

  • When Therapeutic Listening is combined with sensory based exercises the benefits include those similar to the Tomatis Method, such as improved:
  • Self-Regulation
  • Eating and Sleep-wake Habits
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Postural Control
  • Motor Planning/Praxis
  • Body Awareness
  • Attention and Focusing
  • Communication and Play Skills
  • Vestibular Processing

A typical Therapeutic Listening treatment consists of two phases lasting for 1 month each. They consist of 30-minute sessions, twice a day, 7 days a week. There are at least 3 hours in between. TL is used in combination with other sensory integration techniques to address the full range of sensory needs for each individual client.

Tomatis Pregnancy Program

Developed For Pregnant Women

Hearing is the first sense to be fully developed in the fetus. By the 18th week of pregnancy, the human ear is fully developed and functional. According to Tomatis, the nine months in the womb is a crucial time not only for physical development, but also for psychological development.

The perception of the mother’s voice is the very first bond of communication with the world and can help influence one’s experience with the rest of the world. Dr. Tomatis developed a special program for pregnant women to help enhance prenatal communication between mother and child.

Pregnant woman using the Tomatis Method benefit from:

  • Extensive body relaxation
  • A reduction of fear of childbirth
  • Better and deeper sleep
  • More energy
  • A reduction in the length of labor

Children of mothers who have completed the Tomatis pregnancy program:

  • Are more relaxed, even-tempered and well-adjusted
  • Have better sleeping patterns & tend to sleep through the night earlier
  • Are more social
  • Are more communicative, and speak earlier and better
  • Have increased strength, muscle tone, and enhanced motor skills
  • Have increased attention span
  • Show less fear and cry less than other children of the same age

Scheduling a Free Screening

If you are not sure if you or your child needs OT services and want to get an idea if OT and Sensory Integration are right for you, fill out the form below to learn more about our therapies and group sessions or to schedule an appointment with your child.

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